Who’s Driving?

If there is something that I have learned in my short 20 years of life, it is that life is not always easy. Sometimes I look back on my childhood and miss the feeling of being carefree and unconcerned about finances, school, and responsibilities. As a kid, it seemed that nothing could ever go wrong […]

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A New Face for This Site

Hello Friends! I trust you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving? We had a full house. My oldest daughter and her husband joined us, and my daughter Lilly came home from college and brought her roommate Lael, who is from the Philippines. Since Thanksgiving is a North American holiday, we had the privilege of explaining to […]

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Because They Were Discouraged

The kids and I began reading Genesis after the summer, and now we have moved into Exodus. So many familiar accounts, and yet, there are details that I have forgotten or never noticed. Good examples and bad examples… people to learn from. So, here we are in Genesis 6. Moses and Aaron followed God’s directions […]

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Is God Out to Get Me? Revisiting James

“Why does God hate me?” She had just rolled her car; just one more thing in a series of unfortunate events. I was praising God for preserving her life, but she was blaming Him for the accident. And do you remember the girl with the dragon tattoo?? She said she wasn’t interested in church or […]

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The World Changing Strategy that the devil Doesn’t Want You to Know

The world is becoming increasingly polarized, yet modern progressive thought is really no different than the Socratic thought in ancient Greece, where those claiming to be Enlightened thought it was their responsibility to drag everyone who didn’t agree with them into their Elitist run Utopian dream.  “Woke” is just another word for “Enlightened.”  It is […]

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